Discard. Rebuild. Optimize:

Reenergize Core Technology Frameworks of your applications while
retaining Function, UI and Workflow

Discard. Rebuild. Optimize:

Reenergize Core Technology Frameworks of your applications while
retaining Function, UI and Workflow

, a disruptive optimization process, future-proofs and reenergizes modern stack-based mobile and medium/small applications by rebuilding the core technology framework without affecting function, UI, or workflow.

6 tell-tale signs that call for

6 tell-tale signs that call for


Exponential multiplication has occurred in performance and usability bottlenecks.


Slow response times, increased errors, crash rates frequency, and severity of code errors are causing frustration.


There has been a significant increase in application maintenance and unanticipated cloud costs.


Resource usage is higher than expected.


Negative side effects accompany bug fixes or feature improvements.


User satisfaction is diminishing.

6 tell-tale signs that call for

6 tell-tale signs that call for


Exponential multiplication has occurred in performance and usability bottlenecks.


Slow response times, increased errors, crash rates frequency, and severity of code errors are causing frustration.


There has been a significant increase in application maintenance and unanticipated cloud costs.


Resource usage is higher than expected.


Negative side effects accompany bug fixes or feature improvements.


User satisfaction is diminishing.

The emotional journey you will go through when it comes to evaluating as a solution.

The emotional journey you will go through when it comes to evaluating as a solution.


When presented with the proposition of discarding and rebuilding the core technology framework, reactions tend to lean towards being completely outlandish and followed with total disregard. Notions of apprehension immediately come into play.


Notwithstanding tell-tale performance and usability bottlenecks, stakeholders continue focusing on application enhancements.


As reinforcements and enhancements are implemented, the realization sets in with the increasing issues and costs.


Notwithstanding tell-tale performance and usability bottlenecks, stakeholders continue focusing on application enhancements.


A radical solution must address known and unknown factors while keeping the cost manageable.

The Root Cause

Multiple structural problems lead to performance and usability issues, MISFIT as we call them, each interlinked, making it nearly impossible to de-link and solve them without creating further issues.

is the only way to achieve better performance

MVP versus Market Version: Larger market versions might require a set of requirements different from the MVP or V1 version. Reinforcing an already lacking architecture with enhancements will only add more complexity.

MVP versus Market Version: 

Larger market versions might require a set of requirements different from the MVP or V1 version. Reinforcing an already lacking architecture with enhancements will only add more complexity.

Incompatible Scalability Architecture: When application architecture design is not for scale, it cannot take the load for performance even after reinforcement.

Incompatible Scalability Architecture: 

When application architecture design is not for scale, it cannot take the load for performance even after reinforcement.

Suboptimal Codes: When startups pivot, seldom are applications redeveloped to meet the new market dynamics. Cost saving leads to code repurposing, which leads to a suboptimal code stack. Libraries and frameworks can undergo multiple revisions, and even features and functions can be deprecated.

Suboptimal Codes: 

When startups pivot, seldom are applications redeveloped to meet the new market dynamics. Cost saving leads to code repurposing, which leads to a suboptimal code stack. Libraries and frameworks can undergo multiple revisions, and even features and functions can be deprecated.

Fragmented Codes: Codes written without proper structure over time lead to chaos; there’s no workaround for this.

Fragmented Codes: 

Codes written without proper structure over time lead to chaos; there’s no workaround for this.

Incongruent Database Design: Unless meticulously planned, the fundamental database design needs significant changes and cannot be mitigated via patchwork.

Incongruent Database Design:

Unless meticulously planned, the fundamental database design needs significant changes and cannot be mitigated via patchwork.

Testing Strategy: Development without proper testing strategies creates inefficiencies and ultimately leads to poor performance. Recalibration using learnings from V1 also requires significant architectural changes that are unviable.

Testing Strategy: 

Development without proper testing strategies creates inefficiencies and ultimately leads to poor performance. Recalibration using learnings from V1 also requires significant architectural changes that are unviable.

is the only way to achieve better performance

The benefits of is also measurable

The benefits of is also measurable

Functional Benefits: 

1. Executed in a much shorter time than the initial development time frame.

2. Replacement of the old code structure with more robust and smarter architecture.

3. Guaranteed better performance and higher agility.

Commercial Benefits:

Achieved at a fraction of the initial development cost.

helps bring down OPEX in the long run.

Applications that were successfully -ed

Product development for a leading 5G deployment company

Extracts of certain load-test performance parameters

Geo-political data gathering and visualization application for a World Bank funded project

Code Base Comparisons

Performance Comparisons

Our team can assist you with a comprehensive decision making process

Estimate status quo development cost and operating cost

Identify, quantify (where possible) and qualify the tangible and intangible benefits from Disropt

Create a financial case using well-accepted financial models to justify the Capex vs Opex benefits

is not cost.
It’s Growth.

is not cost.
It’s Growth.

Request a free 30-minute call with our team to understand how to leverage disropt logo small

Request a free 30-minute call with our team to understand how to leverage disropt logo small